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Launch FavorX

Launching Flow

FavorX has been packaged, you can follow the process below to start the node.

Download FavorX

Obtain the favorX startup file at the following address and execute it under the ubuntu system.


Add execute permission

After downloading the startup file, add execute permission to the startup file.

chmod +x ./favorX-linux-amd64

Create a new config profile

First, create a new yaml file and paste the previously read configuration into it.

./favorX-linux-amd64 printconfig &> ./favorX.yaml 


Before launching, you must set the configuration properly.
Then execute the following command to start the node normally.

./favorX-linux-amd64 start --config ./favorX.yaml 

After the initialization is completed, the corresponding address account will be generated and a password will be set. Please keep your password properly.