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OKC Config


Please download the latest version of favorx first.

If the configuration is not filled in properly, the accounting function may not work properly (you will be unable to obtain test coins and exchange cheques properly)

In order to get the node up and running properly during the pre-testnet phase, please ensure that the following configuration is correct

OKC Mainnet

Network ID

network-id: "21"

Boot Node

Modify the bootnode to

- /ip4/
- /ip6/2610:150:c009:d:216:3cff:fe62:366b/tcp/1890/p2p/12D3KooWC6KnXNGfFTjrcUZVv93QyWYfmsiNDW1j92An7Rjjvz6r


The chain endpoint related to Oracle, traffic, and resolver options is configured as follows

Chain endpoint

chain-endpoint: ""


To register files, you'd better modify the configuration to

oracle-contract-addr: "0xDecc6cCfe1E5369EF8e0d30033EF476b075E49bB"


For the complete configuration file, please refer to the following:

allow-private-cidrs: false
api-addr: :1633
api-file-buffer-multiple: 8
bin-max-peers: 50
- /ip4/
- /ip6/2610:150:c009:d:216:3cff:fe62:366b/tcp/1890/p2p/12D3KooWC6KnXNGfFTjrcUZVv93QyWYfmsiNDW1j92An7Rjjvz6r
bootnode-mode: false
cache-capacity: "80000"
chain-endpoint: ""
cors-allowed-origins: ["*"]
data-dir: FavorLabs
db-driver: leveldb
db-path: ""
debug-api-addr: :1635
debug-api-enable: true
dev-mode: false
full-node: true
gateway-mode: false
global-pinning-enable: false
help: false
light-max-peers: 100
nat-addr: ""
network-id: "21"
oracle-contract-addr: "0xDecc6cCfe1E5369EF8e0d30033EF476b075E49bB"
p2p-addr: :1634
p2p-quic-enable: false
p2p-ws-enable: false
password: "FavorLabs"
password-file: ""
restricted: false
route-alpha: 2
standalone: false
token-encryption-key: ""
tracing-enable: false
tracing-service-name: FavorLabs
verbosity: info
welcome-message: ""
ws-addr: :1637